  • Note: 3/5 ( 1 vote )
  • Date: 16-09-2024
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Société : MANNAI AVOCATS Law Firm

MANNAI AVOCATS Law Firm is a Tunisian professional Law Firm. The Firm gathers young multidisciplinary Attorneys, jurists and consultants of various trainings, graduated from Tunisian and foreign universities, they shall be able to contribute in Arabic, French and English.

The activity of legal advice is a major component of the practice of MANNAI AVOCATS Law Firm. We give advice to companies and to natural persons over all the aspects of Tunisian law. We provide online legal advices....

  • Catégorie: Services aux entreprises
  • Sous-catégorie: Services en nettoyage
  • Pays: Tunisie
  • Gouvernorat: Tunis
  • Ville: Sidi Hassine
  • Adresse: 3, rue des entrepreneurs, B.3, 1er étage, 1000 – Tunis, TUNISIE.
  • Site web:
  • Téléphone: +216 71 66 08 96
  • Fax: 71308740

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