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  • Date: 16-01-2025
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Société : SES

Salam Engineering Services LLC (SES) and Krebs und Kiefer & Partners International LLC (KuKTunis) are tunisian-german engineering firms registred and based in Tunis (Tunisian) with a capital of 70,000 TND (Seventy thousand Tunisian Dinar). KuK-Tunis is an off-shore company. Both firms offer following engineering services : pluridisciplinary engineering studies, site supervision and quality control, project management according to PMI guideline, expert opinion, legal opinion and value-engineering.Covered fields are construction buildings an industrial projects, infrastructure facilities, roads and highways, ports and maritime facilities, airports, etc... We can also act as general planer for your projects with different complexity and size. We combine also design with value-engineering in order to satisfy our clients requirements. The professional experience gained with worldwide German construction and Engineering Group "Philip Holzmann AG" as well as the continuous know-how exchange with the contractors allowed and are allowing us to offer technical solutions with optimised costs. Our long professional experience through 28 years within a multinational team of collaborators and partners in the fields of design and realization works, allowed us and continue to do it to fulfill the clients requirements in all aspects related to technical, time, cost and quality aspects. Our raison of success : International Engineering combined with local competence. The revolution in Tunisia and Libya beginning 2011 opens new business opportunities in both construction markets as soon as the security is established, in presence of democracy, more transparency and less corruption. Partnership between European companies and Tunisian-Libyan local capabilities builds a success factor in these promoting markets.

Expertises et Diagnostics des désordres des ouvrages de Génie Civil Expérience internationale pour la direction, les études, la coordination, la gestion de grands projets internationaux Planification, Management et Pilotage de grands projets selon les techniques internationales modernes Etudes de structures selon les normes internationales et locales telles que ACI, DIN, EC, BS, BAEL sous l’effet des charges statiques et sismiques Etudes de VRD : voirie et réseaux divers Suivi des travaux Projets portuaires : conception et étude technique Expérience internationale pour les études et l'assistance Expertise juridique Computer Aided Design et Computer Aided Engineering Prospection des marchés Maîtrise des langues internationales telles que l’Anglais, l’Allemand, le Français et l’Arabe. Enseignement Universitaire concernant la conception et le dimensionnement des ouvrages spéciaux : stabilité des IGH, contreventement contre les actions parasismiques, dalles pleines, fondations profondes, etc......

  • Catégorie: Services aux entreprises
  • Sous-catégorie: Bureaux d'études
  • Pays: Tunisie
  • Gouvernorat: Tunis
  • Ville: Cité El Khadra
  • Adresse: Bureau 4-3 Immeuble Narcisse, Avenue du Japon-Montplaisir
  • Site web:
  • Téléphone: 71950915
  • Fax: 

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